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(Synopsis: It\'s a blind date for Trent, and Nico is just the hunky blue eyed blonde he\'d ordered. (Synopsis: Charlie has grown restless of the challenge of breaking new boy after new boy. His eyes have been set on a young nineteen year old, who has no idea what the Sadist is planning. (Synopsis: A young college student gets more than he bargains for when he agrees to be the prey in a simulated hunt.) (Synopsis: The true story of a humiliating experience I had when I was younger and how a friend introduced me to BD.) (Synopsis: a man decides that by overcoming hs fear of being fist-fucked, he will become a much better, more accommodating, fearless slave)īy Young boy raped and beaten by older cousin) Has robbie gotten himself into more then he can handle?) Walking into Charlie's studio for a set design job, robbie has walked right into the trap.

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(Synopsis: A white man gives into his fears and fantasies and submits to a Dominant Black Daddy.

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